Sunday, January 2, 2011

Barbie Baldness

When I was little I discovered the horrible truth.

Let me preface this by saying my sis is 9 years older than I am. I was generally not allowed to play with her stuff (due to an unfortunate incident with  Madame Alexander doll and a ball point pen.) The occasions I was permitted into her magical realm where very special. She had the spectacular "early" Barbie with wicked black eyeliner and blue eyeshadow, ubiquitous blond ponytail, and black and white striped strapless bathing suit. You know the one!

So I am sure that after I stripped Barbie naked (what little girl wouldn't?) I took out her ponytail. And learned the terrible truth! Barbie was bald! A rim of hair and bangs hid a shining dome!

It was shocking and I was relieved to get Barbie's friend Midge for my own. She had  a pate FULL of red hair. No worries! Somehow along the way however I managed to get a Barbie that came with  3 wigs - and she WAS really bald!  But boy, what fabulous wigs!

Fast forward to elementary school. My dad's mom is staying with us on and off. At 4 foot and just a few inches she was the perfect grandma - crocheting afghans and making doll clothes for Barbie and Midge. She was cute as a button! And her helmet of white fluffy hair was ADORABLE...until I realized my Grandma was BALD AS AN EGG! One year on Christmas morning before opening gifts I went to wake her up - and saw her sans wig! Not really egg bald, there was a white  halo dancing around her bare skull...but still - didn't baldness happen only to men and Barbie???

Now many years later, at my half-century mark - only my hairdresser really knows for sure - but I dye my roots diligently, because, you see, when the white roots come in, my thinning middle aged hair looks even thinner! Alas, my own ponytail - still Barbie perky is about the size of a pencil. I do a mean bun, but the inevitable is  happening, slowly, but surely, I am joining the ranks of my grandma and Barbie. It is maddening and saddening but I hold out one dear hope. Maybe one day I too, can have Barbie-fabulous wigs!!!

SO change what you can and accept the rest - cause middle age is about being grateful for what you DO have!

2011 - here I come!